Serious Play
Embracing the principles of Serious Play, we create immersive, problem-solving environments that drive intrinsic motivation and spark a-ha moments.
- Playful
- Purposeful
- Immersive
Learn through Experience
We believe active involvement is key to effective learning, so our unique, multiplayer, live behavioral games put every player’s role front and center.
- Experience
- Immersive
- Active
Apply on the Job and Grow
Our practical, real-life game-led learning experiences help individuals apply their newfound skills and knowledge in their daily work and personal lives.
- Personalized
- Contextualized
- Application Oriented
Grow through Reflection
Reflection is essential for personal growth. We provide opportunities for learners to reflect on their experiences and learning throughout our games.
- Reflect
- Connect
- Commit
Engage through Fun
We marry immersive learning and fun, crafting engaging, interactive, and occasionally whimsical games for an enjoyable & effective learning experience.
- Fun
- Social
- Interactive